Dog-gone delicious
This morning I had a look at some of the purchases I've made or acquired here on the big island and discovered my need for a new carry on bag to get said purchases back home. I must say, I have worn nearly all of the clothes I brought with me this time, but my suitcase going home would weigh close to or over the 50 lbs allowed so better safe than sorry, especially since my right arm is haywire right now. ðŸ˜
We picked up a few groceries to see us through to Monday when we fly back home. Saturday night we are going to Sam Choys Restaurant for dinner up behind Keahou shopping mall. The view is incredible up there and sunsets magnificent!
Although we leave here later in the evening, we arrive back in Vancouver on the 11th. Westjet!!!
Suitcase and groceries bought it was time for lunch so Barb twisted my arm to return to Costco for another gourmet repast. An aromatic steamed tangy weiner in a succulent warmed sesame seeded bun wrapped in a tantalizing light caramel colour wrapping helped retain the aroma and warmth. This delectable "dog" otherwise known in Hawaiian as na'aukake 'Amelia, was accompanied by an unctuous topping of full bodied locally grown mustard with a complementary garden fresh viridescent relish.
As gourmet as one can get for $1.50, plus a wonderful syllabub of flavours in a soft drink of our choice! This repast was also accompanied by a cylindrical firm container filled to the peak with smooth and silky vanilla ice cream,
mesmerizingly topped and drizzled with a delectable chocolate sauce. If you haven't tried these ambrosial delicacies, all I can say is, you'll love it!
See this truck…..they appear everywhere. They must be thee big trucking firm on Big Island as it seems wherever we go they appear. Stunning colour huh? Oh and, we noticed, the Fire trucks here are also yellow! Not only that, the police here are very sneaky (sort of), many use their own vehicles with a blue flashing light on top. If you aren't wise to them and you speed, they are likely watching for you!!!! 😳
I bid you all a good night!