Do we ‘have to’ leave?
Yesterday was a bit challenging. It was our last day on Big Island. Our condo was to be vacated by 11:00, we overstayed a wee bit longer since no cleaning lady had arrived yet. We had left it all neat and tidy, when it was time to leave we hopped in the car and made our way out to Waikaloa once again, for something to do. Wandered around for a bit, looked at some lovely art pieces, and a bit of jewelry before getting back on the road once again to return to Costco for a hot dog before we left! But first, we decided to follow a friends footsteps earlier in spring and find the Kona Saltery. Thank goodness for gps on the phone. Found it easily. A charming gal came out to greet us and tell us where to go to explore all the different salts they process! She left us to look at them on our own for a couple of minutes promising to return. Which she did bringing in a plate of small chopped up bits of tomatoe, cucumber and pineapple. She expl...