Luau at Royal Kona Resort

Wikipedia describes a Luau as "A luau (Hawaiian: lūʻau) is a traditional Hawaiian party or feast that is usually accompanied by entertainment. It may feature food such as poi, Kalua pig, poke, lomi salmon, opihi, haupia and beer, and entertainment such as traditional Hawaiian music and hula."

A pig is baked in an underground oven called an Imu and baked with hot rocks, banana leaves and covered in more leaves and soil to slow cook for hours.  This results in the Kailua pig.  I enjoy a scoop of poi which is a mauve coloured glutinous substance made from taro plant with the Kailua pig.  There are lots of salads and coconut buns and chicken and so on.  You certainly need not go hungry at a Luau.

Our entertainment was Hawaiian music during dinner and Hula, fire dancers and other Polynesian performers.  Always fun and entertaining.  Following are some photos from the evenings entertainment and the awesome sunset!


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