Day trip. To Ka’u
Sunday, what's a pair of women to do? A couple ideas, one was to go to the Painted Church....oh no, it's Sunday! Unless we wished to attend a service that wouldn't work! Then I said to Val, we should go see the Watusi and Zebra down the coast. I couldn't recall where they were, but I knew they were down the south coast road between Ka'u and Captain Cook so off we went.
We stopped at a community market first near Captain Cook, where all sorts of folks had a tent up selling their wares. We bought some island oranges....oh gosh they were soooooo good. Bought a loaf of garlic stuffed bread....sampled it before hand and it was yummy. Leaving there we got back on the road heading south. You pass by some old lava flows. Some lighter brown indicating they were very old and some blacker younger flows. It's unimaginable how high they flowed and how they traveled. These would have come from Mauna Loa which means long low mountain or volcano.
We seemed to drive for a long time and Val indicated that she was getting hungry and it could become urgent for a bathroom break. Soon I said, we'll be there soon. Jeez, we just kept going and going but I knew there was a town coming....soon! After many more miles we finally passed the road to the southern most point of the island, (the southern most point in the USA) we didn't go down to see it as I was concerned Val might not last either needing some food or a bathroom so we carried on and soon arrived at Naalehu. There is a bakery there where you can get food to eat or baked goods or touristy stuff. We made use of their facilities and because the place was jam packed with other like minded people we left and found a little pub where we had lunch and tried to outlast a squall which made rain pour buckets off the roof and sure helped clean up the car!
Fed and ready to head back northward toward home (it's home away from home) and travelling back we found the farm with the Watusi bovine, there used to be two....!!! Only one there now, the Zebra was hiding under a tree with his donkey buddy and further over on the ground we found the buffalo and a couple of beeffalo! Also a very bold rooster patrolling the fence line keeping us riff raffy tourists out! I was happy to find and show Val the Watussi because I think she thought it was a figment of my imagination, but now she knows.
After we got back to the condo a storm was brewing and it hit us with a vengeance. Thunder, lightening, wind, rain! As I type this it's still storming. Here's a few photos of the Watusi with the huge horns some lava floes etc.