Keep out!
Just along Ali'i Drive, beside (White Sands) Magic Sands Beach there is a parking area for the park. I was standing watching the antics of the Spinner Dolphins who seem to show up in the same area every day, maybe a good feeding area, or perhaps they are drawn to the boats who bring folks out to snorkel and swim with them....who knows! I tried my best to snap a picture of one when it was spinning in the air but they were quicker than my finger!
I digress.....on the water side is a lava rock fence and what looks like rock platforms of some sort. Signs have been put up indicating the area is historically significant to the Hawaiian people and someone has put up a hand painted sign....Kapu. In other words, keep out! I found the following on the internet which gives a little information about the meaning of Kapu......
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When one speaks of ancient Hawaiian culture, one of the first things to come to mind may be the "Kapu" system. The social order of old Hawaii was defined by very strict societal rules, do's and don'ts, and the transgressor paid with his or her life. Every crime was a capital offense, steppng onto the chief's shadow, fishing out of season, were indeed paid for with one's life. Acquital was possible if he or she could reach a pu'uhonua (place of refuge) and be cleansed as well as exonerarated by a kahuna (priest). The pu'uhonua was especially important in times of war as a refuge for women and children as well as warriors from the defeated side.
The focal point of Hawaiian social order and kapu was the ali'i, or royal class.From this high born group came the ruler-caretakers of the isles. Some ruled well, some did not. Some would only venture out at night so as to lessen the possibilty of their subjects unintentionally breaking various kapu against them. Others did just the opposite, inflicting the kapu system upon the people for no reason.
Kamehameha the Great (1758-1819) is remembered as a very wise and powerful ruler. He was responsible for uniting all of the islands' into one great kingdom under his leadership. He was also the last to rule under the ancient kapu system. Just months after death, his wife Ka'ahumanu and son Liholiho abolished the old laws forever.
The old system of Kapu may be long gone, but a sign such as this should be respected.
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