Inside the ship

The photo of the circle with what looks like two parts of an anchor has a meaning.  The blue half indicates 'aft' and the red 'forward', it helped discover which way to turn when you reached our floor (7) as there were several elevator areas along the lengths of the hallways.   See photo of hallway – I always got it mixed up and ended up at the wrong end!  Third photo is of my cabin.  I had an inside room but when you consider you only go in to sleep it didn't bother me not having a balcony or window cabin.  Besides, I had the most delightful Philipino man – Jayson – as my room porter.  He always had a smile and called me 'darling'!  (Mainly I think because he couldn't always remember my name!)  (See him in photo that turned out a little blurry).  These porters make up each room twice daily, morning and before you retire for the night.  A towel and facecloth animal were usually sitting at the bottom of your bed waiting to greet you each night – along with a chocolate! 


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