It was raining when we reached Miami. While still in the plane, we did some circling out over the cays hoping the storm would let up so we could land safely. It took awhile but we did land, a tab bumpy but still not too bad. I took a photo at the back side of the hotel, water was puddling and coming down fairly heavily at times. Kids were feeling a little bored as there was really nothing we could do until Paul got the rental van. They sat in the lobby for awhile. Once we were mobile in the van, we went looking for a shopping mall to look around in, that was actually our first two days activity. On the third day the clouds began to dissipate and we were able to go to the Everglades. Oh, and we visited the beverage store, this was later in the room Josh and I shared. (No! We did not drink it all). Sometimes my eyes play tricks on me....I bought a bottle of what I presumed was a pineapple wine and vodka cooler. Poured myself a ...